A Study on Customer Analytics Initiative (WCAI) and its Impact on the Brand of Wharton Business School

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Sachin Kumar
Krishna Prasad K
Aithal P. S.


The Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative (WCAI) is the leading academic research center that focuses on the development and application of customer analytics methods. WCAI is the leading academic research center in the world that focuses on the development and application of customer analytics methods. The innovative Research Opportunity Platform and the "crowd sourcing" approach to R&D, WCAI helps academic researchers from around the world understand how to effectively monetize consumer data collected by developing and applying new predictive models to businesses. The authors couple their work with companies and researchers around the world with a variety of co-curricular student programs that facilitate talent development and recruitment. Started with a generous donation from Wharton alumnus Art Bilger and his wife, Dahlia, and with an executive relationship with Omnicom Group, Inc. WCAI has a significant impact on data-driven corporate decision-making processes and on the dissemination of vital information to managers, students, and policy-makers. Customer Analytics refers to the collection, handling, evaluation, and systematic exploitation of a company's granular data regarding the behaviours of its customers. In this paper, we analyzed the features and impact of the Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative (WCAI) on different stakeholders


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How to Cite
Sachin Kumar, Krishna Prasad K, & Aithal P. S. (2020). A Study on Customer Analytics Initiative (WCAI) and its Impact on the Brand of Wharton Business School. International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT and Education (IJCSBE), 4(2), 98–109. https://doi.org/10.47992/IJCSBE.2581.6942.0082

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