Practical Lessons for Engineers to adapt towards Industry 4.0 in Indian Engineering Industries

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Michael Sony
Aithal P. S.


Industry 4.0 is the current buzzword in the modern organization. Itpromises to revolutionize the Industry with automation and computing technologies. Indian Engineering Industry is the largest segment among the Indian Industries having a huge export potential. Industry 4.0 is making inroads into this high potential Industry in a gradual manner. There are very few studies as to how should engineers adapt with the skills and ability requirements of knowledge society created due to the application of Industry 4.0. The main aim of this paper is to critically analyze the previous studies so that engineers can adapt to Industry 4.0. This study finds six dimensions engineers must adapt while working in Industry 4.0 environment. Though there have been numerous literature reviews on Industry 4.0, however this is the first study carried out on engineer adaptability for Industry 4.0 in the contextual domain of Indian Engineering Industries


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How to Cite
Michael Sony, & Aithal P. S. (2020). Practical Lessons for Engineers to adapt towards Industry 4.0 in Indian Engineering Industries. International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT and Education (IJCSBE), 4(2), 86–97.