Researcher Centric Scholarly Publication and Research Journals Classification – New Insight based Model

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Aithal P. S
Shubhrajyotsna Aithal


Research and Development is an essential activity in Society for technology, industrial, andsocial progress. Based on the historical review, higher education institutions focus on basic,conceptual, explorative, empirical, and analytical research methods whereas industries focuson new products and new processes development. It is also known that the end of everypiece of research of HEIs and Research Institutions is the scholarly publication and havingthe copyright of such basic or conceptual invention/innovation whereas the end of everypiece of research of industries is acquiring a patent in inventor/company name. In this paper,based on a survey on closed and open access scholarly publications, a new ScholarlyPublication based Research Journals Classification model is proposed by defining an idealscholarly publication process, analysing scholarly publication process, determiningnecessary and sufficient conditions to call an article as Scholarly article, identifying andanalysing various factors affecting Journal classification, and developing a new model called“Researcher centric Scholarly Journals grading”. The developed model of journalclassification is compared with existing Journal grading models and some suggestions madeon scholarly publications and citations from different stakeholders’ points of view.


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How to Cite
Aithal P. S, & Shubhrajyotsna Aithal. (2019). Researcher Centric Scholarly Publication and Research Journals Classification – New Insight based Model. International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT and Education (IJCSBE), 3(2), 91–104.

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