Analysis of Business Strategies of Inc.
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Abstract is a cloud computing company originated from SanFrancisco of America.Salesforce also enhances its business on commercial applications of social networkingthrough achievement and internal development. Company headquarters in SanFrancisco asof early 2016, it standout among the most much esteemed American cloud computingorganizations with a market capitalization above $61 billion. In August 2017, Salesforcedeclared that it had come to the $10 billion income run rate turning into the main venturecloud organization to do as such. In spite of the fact that its income originates fromCustomer Relationship Management (CRM), Sales drive likewise gains by business uses oflong range interpersonal communication through obtaining and inner improvement.Salesforce is the world's No.1 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Cloudbased applications for sales, service, marketing, and more don’t require IT, experts, to set upor manage simply log in and start connecting with customers in a whole new way. Salesforceis the essential or primary venture offering inside the Sales compel Platform. It givesorganizations an interface for case administration and errand administration, and aframework for naturally steering and raising imperative occasions. In this paper, we haveanalysed the business strategy of the company using SWOT analysis framework.