A Study on the Future of World Leader’s Behaviour towards Global Health after COVID-19

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Gururaj Itagi
Aithal P. S


Healthy citizens always stay as support for the overall growth and development of any nation.The overall behaviour of the leader plays an important role to lead the whole mankind togethertowards a secured, healthy and future-oriented life. If there is the positive behavioural responsebetween the people, between leader and citizens of a nation, between leaders in the glob andbetween the people on the earth the whole mankind come united and live supportively,collaboratively and happily without any problems. The study noted that the lack of appropriatebehaviour preparedness among the world leaders and collaborative efforts to fight against anyglobal health challenges are the reasons to be failures to ensure a secured and healthy life forthe mankind on the earth. To this to happen the world leaders should adopt change in theirbehaviour as positive oriented, cooperative and human and eco-friendly. They should stopfighting each other for dignity, power and to have hold on each other. So that we can expectgood global health and more strength to fight against any future challenges that come tomankind.


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How to Cite
Gururaj Itagi, & Aithal P. S. (2020). A Study on the Future of World Leader’s Behaviour towards Global Health after COVID-19 . International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT and Education (IJCSBE), 4(1), 127–135. https://doi.org/10.47992/IJCSBE.2581.6942.0068