Psycho-Social Problems faced by Persons with Disability

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Laveena D’Mello
Meena Monteiro
Govindaraju B. M.


Down the ages, we see disability is as curse or punishment. With the development of science and social change, disability is seen as a societal problem rather than individual problem and solution became focused on removing the barriers to social change, not just medical care. The persons with a disability encounter discrimination; they tend to alienate themselves from society as they feel unwanted and rejected. It affects the psycho social condition of persons with disabilities. The human person is a complex entity composed of two distinct phenomena, the physique, and the psyche, commonly called body and mind [1]. It is both common knowledge and scientific theory that a person’s mental life and emotional reactions are influenced by his physical condition as well as his social and physical environment [2]. This research paper aims to present PsychoSocial problems faced by a person with a disability. And the objectives are to study the profile of the physically disabled and psycho social problems of the disabled. This study is descriptive in nature where data is collected from both primary and secondary source. 25 respondents were selected for the study and interview schedule is used to collect information.


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How to Cite
Laveena D’Mello, Meena Monteiro, & Govindaraju B. M. (2017). Psycho-Social Problems faced by Persons with Disability. International Journal of Management, Technology and Social Sciences (IJMTS), 2(2), 1–7.

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