Safety First is Safety Always – Opportunities and Challenges on Safety Management of Hazardous Employments in India

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Pradeep M. D.


Organization should provide a safe and healthy environment for its employees. Safety is
concerned with the protection of the physical health of employees in the workplace. The Health and Safety Policies aims to create a healthy workplace by reducing hazards affecting the performance of employees. Hazardous working conditions will increase the health risks leading to high rate of absenteeism and attrition. Any unexpected event likely to cause any type of injury to the person or damage to the property and environment is called to be the accident. Frequent exposure of the worker to the unhealthy working conditions slowly develops accumulated effect over an extended period of time causing occupational diseases. All the accidents involving the element of fatality or injury which disables a person from working for more than 48 hours are
considered to be the reportable injuries. Occupational hazards are the potential conditions both internal and external transforming into a series of events causing loss. Death, injuries and illnesscan arise out of safety violations or negligence. Accidents and Injuries happening in the course ofemployment will cause enormous financial loss to the organization. Safety is the protection against uncertain risks caused by the hazards of electricity, machinery, slip or trip, explosion causing injury, death or damage to people and property. This study aims to describe thefundamentals of industrial safety management for hazardous industries in India.


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How to Cite
Pradeep M. D. (2019). Safety First is Safety Always – Opportunities and Challenges on Safety Management of Hazardous Employments in India . International Journal of Management, Technology and Social Sciences (IJMTS), 4(1), 98–108. Retrieved from

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