Mixed Mucinous and Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of Male Breast: A Rare Case Report

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Kuldeep Ananda Vaidhya


Male breast carcinoma is a rare entity. Here, we present a case of mixed mucinous carcinoma i.e. composite mucinous carcinoma with infiltrating ductal carcinoma component in a 55 year old man. Patient clinically presented with a lump in his right breast. Histopathological examination of the breast mass showed tumor cells arranged in nests, cords, cribriform pattern in a mucinous stroma and a part of tumor was showing features of infiltrating ductal carcinoma with desmoplastic stroma.


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Kuldeep Ananda Vaidhya, & Sukesh. (2017). Mixed Mucinous and Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of Male Breast: A Rare Case Report. International Journal of Health Sciences and Pharmacy (IJHSP), 1(2), 1–4. https://doi.org/10.47992/IJHSP.2581.6411.0010

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