A Theoretical Study on the Empowerment of Women in Bangladesh: Social, Legal, and Economical Perspective

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Antora Goswami
Sunjida Islam


Bangladesh is a developing country and most of the people of this country is a woman. The social and economic conditions of the women in here are not good and complex as well. They are struggling every moment to keep their position settle in the family and in the society by overcoming different embodiments and multilateral pressures. Equal participation of men and women in any uplift activities in the society is not facile here. Many operations taken by women are not considered as work in society. Now-a-days women are working in different sectors such as administrative sectors, judicial sectors, medical sectors and other sectors which are not safe for them but they can’t their proper respect and status. Moreover, they are often neglected, tortured and persecuted in their family and society. It is a devaluation and this devaluation hinders the rights of women. And that’s why women can’t stay parallel with men and can’t enjoy equal right to overcome gender disparity. But the better news is that recently women are raising their voice in favour of their rights. This article provides the importance of women  empowerment, how the dignity of women can increase, what types of roles are fulfilled by the women as well as how they overcome the obstacles behind the development.


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How to Cite
Antora Goswami, & Sunjida Islam. (2021). A Theoretical Study on the Empowerment of Women in Bangladesh: Social, Legal, and Economical Perspective. International Journal of Management, Technology and Social Sciences (IJMTS), 4(2), 69–73. https://doi.org/10.47992/IJMTS.2581.6012.0072